
Ramblings and Insomnia

It's almost 3:30am, and I can't sleep. I think it is the sore throat/upper respiratory infection I get every year, which I affectionately call the "Christmas Crud". I've checked on a few friends blogs, posted some uninspired comments, and watched the fire in the woodstove, but have been unable to decide what I want to blog about. So here are some sleep-deprived ramblings...

I came downstairs after lying awake to see two bright boxes of light on the living room floor. They were coming from the skylights in our vaulted ceiling, and as I looked up, I saw a full moon staring back at me. It was a rather eerie yet peaceful moment. I imagine if someone were looking at me - I would appear to be on stage, under a square spot light, gazing upward.

This seemed very poetic to me at the time, but when I tried to creatively write about it - it seemed to lose its magic.

I've lost almost 14 pounds in 5 weeks on Weight Watchers. I am proud of this, but I have SO very far to go, and I don't really "feel" like I'm carrying around less weight and my clothes only fit marginally better. But I am doing the program at work, which is quite convenient and it has allowed me to meet some other women from the college - so that is an added bonus. Doing it at work is also healthier than the days my friend and I would weigh-in then go out for fast-food afterwards. (although I miss those days, Sierra)

MrMaple has received some outstanding job offers lately - and although I am insanely jealous of the fact that he will likely be telecommuting full-time - I am so very proud of my talented and brilliant hubby!

I miss singing. This time of year, especially. I used to manage a symphony chorus, sing in several community choirs and a cappella groups, and get paying gigs for solos and recording sessions. But since MiniMaple's arrival, I've felt strongly about spending my non-working hours at home. I was just offered a paid solo gig to do the alto solos at a Messiah sing-a-long, but between the "crud" and the fact that my voice is terribly out of practice, I think I will decline.

I am getting the music bug again, though, so I might have to spend a little time in one of the practice rooms next to my office and do some seasonal piano improvisations.

Ahhhh...my eyelids are finally getting heavy...


post-doc said...

Congratulations on the weight loss, though the very idea of eating out after a weigh in delights me. :) I hope you finally got some rest and that you start to feel better soon.

The Contessa said...

I'm so proud of you - I'm up to 10 lbs on Weight Watchers and I'm virtually holding your hand through this!

YOu and I can do what Jax and I do! We can virtually eat out. I have been to Dunkin Donuts with her ( here ) and Wegmans with her ( there). So you and I can start virtually eating out after weight in. You pick the place then call me!

I did O holy night as a favor last night and blue-birded the rest of the performance. My big gig is this weekend and I am saving my strength.

One night a week to indulge your passion will make you a better mom by the way. And sets a good example for MiniMaple in indulging whatever passions he has as an adult with familial responsibilities. So just choose what will make you happiest and negotiate the time. come on you are an EXPERT at that!

Vinny said...

I've had this in my del-icio.us tags to revisit and comment.
- Congrats on the weight. For me, it's less about the diet (although that has been terrible lately) and more about the exercise. I started a few weeks ago, but quit when the holiday ramp-up began.
- So happy to hear about Mr. Maple and the job offers. I can say, with experience, that while it is terrifying, sometimes it's a good thing to get pushed out of your comfort zone.
- The music thing has been kicking up for me, but a little more introspective. I keep thinking I should sit down and write, or collaborate. I've been helping a friend with harmonies for his musical, and have been enjoying it.
- I have not been able to get to bed fro sh*t, because I have to wait for Skippy and Wanda to go to bed before I can wrap any gifts. I've been up until 2am most every day for a week. (Well, one night I was working on Mini's gift, so that was not a wrapping night.)
- I know what you mean about writing about beauty around you. Every once in a while, putting it on paper makes it sound mundane.

However. mundane or not, we love to read it. Loev to all!