
MiniMaple's Words

This started as a list on a tiny piece of paper, but the paper is full now, and my memory is starting to lose track - so here it is for all to share - MiniMaple's words to date:

Apple, ball, bath, blue, boo (as in peek-a-boo),
Bubble, bye, CAR (1st word), cat, choo-choo (says "koo-koo"),
Cup, daddy, ducky, five, go,
Happy, hat, Hi, hoo (an owl), hot,
Kitty, milk, mine, mommy/mama, no,
O (the letter), “Oh Yeah”, out, pea (also pee & 'P'), pop,
Purple, rainbow (says "bainboo"), uh-oh, up

Airplane, all done, apple, baby, ball,
Bed, bird, blanket, block, car,
Catepillar, cereal, change, cheese, colors,
Cracker, dog, duck, eat, fish,
Five, go, grapes, happy, hat,
Helicopter, hungry, juice, leaf, lettuce,
Lion, MILK (1st sign), moon, more, one,
Orange, pear, peas, please, popcorn,
Rain, rainbow, red, shoes, signing,
Sleep, snow, socks, sorry, stars,
Strawberry, sun, thank you, thirsty, time,
Train, Tree, water, your turn/my turn

For the records - MiniMaple is 20 months and we've VERY proud of him! If you are interested in teaching sign to your infant or toddler, we highly recommend "Signing Time" by Rachel de Azevedo Coleman.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I still owe you some recorded stories. I keep thinking about it, but never run up to grab my big collection!

I'm very proud of him. The signing is terrific!